Thursday, 31 March 2011

Build Off - Davime Vs Krescenhaze

Hello Dear readers, first of all , i would like to thank you for your time for reading my posts.. and second of all I would like to share this banner - Yes, this is another Build-off between to active members of MAC. Both of them are the founding members of MAC and both of them are really skilled and experienced. As you may all know,...

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Featured Modellers Chapter 3.1: Decay's The-O

Hello dear readers. In this chapter 3 of my featured modeller series, I will be proudly presenting a very very beautiful kit done by a fellow modeller from MAC, who is also a member of a group of close friend. His name is Marc Meyer, known as Decay on MAC and this beautiful piece of his work that will be presented is a one of kind THE-O. Decay...

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Featured Modellers Chapter 1.2 - Kamm's HLJ MkII

Greetings dear readers. In this second sub-section of the chapter one of Featured Modellers, I will be featuring the one and only HLJ (Hobby Link Japan) Gundam of a dear friend of mine, the one that we from MAC know and love as Kamm. This is a piece of work that which he is so proud of ( and obviously, the one which he keeps showing off.....

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Featured Modellers Chapter 2.1: Aulon's X-bone

In this chapter 2.1 of Modeller's Innovation's Featured modellers series, I will be featuring another friend of mine. His name is Paweł Cynk and he is known in the modelling community as "Aulon'', to me, he is a dear friend who invented the bottle cap technique for his diorama. That technique just blew me away. Aulon is not exactly a noob...

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Improving the HG 1/100 Nataku - Part7

Right, This is update no. 7 and I wll be working on the face and the fangs from now first, I was working to make the V-fin much better, make it thinner yet add a bit more length and bulk and the sorts.. As you can see, I install some plates by cutting off the Fins and gluing back together.... and add some thin plate on the sides...

Build Off - Aulon Vs Hummingbird

Hello dear readers - Before I start anything... let me just post this banner That's right.. This is gonna be a build off between me and Aulon - one of the great modeller of MAC who build the awesome Xbone that Don blogged about ... Going against this guy won't be easy.... ''sigh'' But honestly, this is not a competition build off. This...

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Improving the HG 1/100 Nataku - Part6

Right..I'm sure you all will remember that i was moaning about modding the legs,right??? well... I stopped the moaning and took actions...i modded the ankles... All thanks to the support of friends and gunpla family and senseis and senpais from all the various fourm that encouraged me to mod on the ankles... ARRIGATTO... Before that, I...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Improving the HG 1/100 Nataku - Part5

As you all know.. the back skirts of every late 80s HG.. and I do mean every... are attached and they cannot be move and it really is a royal pain in the neck... so...  first thing first... i cutted it in ''twain''.. that was one hell of a cutting.. my  arms were aching from the sawing... and this is what i do after i cutted...