Friday, 30 March 2012

MG CrossBone Full Cloth Ver H.Bird

Hello dear readers, Fans, seniors and peers of the modelling world. Welcome to another finished product from the hummingbird. Just yesterday, I just posted my finished AGF and now, I'm posting another one. I'm on a roll. haha, but seriously, life has been crap lately that it feels awesome to be churning out completed kits. Actually...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Gold Frame Amatsu

Hello Guys .. Its been a while since I have launched a new Gundam.... I was just taking my time, u know.. chilling .... Anyway, This baby was built as an entry for the 2012 Mecha Contest and Since the organizer has allowed the freedom of posting the submission pieces on launch pads so here it is. I present to you, my practice piece in...

Thursday, 22 March 2012

'' Date a Guy Who Builds Model Kits ''' - ReSharing A Fellow Blogger's words

Hello All and All Hello.  As I was browsing around on FB, I Came across this particular blog post from a fellow modeler/blogger. And I really feel like resharing his words as those words are just too (in lack of a better words.... ) AWESOME.  I do not take credit for those great words, All the credit go to the original author...