Sunday, 19 August 2012

Life as a Plastic Widow - Resharing a friend's Article

I have been meaning to re share this particular article my teacher (sensei)'s wife wrote some times ago. I believe this is a good read and something that all the modellers and their wife/girlfriends should read as well. When I read this article, I felt nothing but envy for my teacher ( Chris Bryan) for how lucky he is to have such a supportive...

Thursday, 2 August 2012

2012... It has come to an end ..........

After  7 long months, The 2012 MECHA Contest is finally closed. With 5 categories , it is not surprising there have been lots of awesome masterpieces that were submitted for the contest in each Category.  As one of the prize member of the contest, I cannot give my feedback until the official results have been released by the...