Saturday, 29 December 2012

WIP 1/35 Tamiya King Tiger - Part 1

Hello Ladies and Gents. Welcome to a brand new WIP from the hummingbird. Usually I would be modding away on some retro gunpla kit or improving an NG or MG but I have been pretty much inspired to focus on AFVs after reading modelling magazines regularly so Here I am, builing a mighty tank I have been dying to build. Full Details of...

Friday, 28 December 2012

Everything I know about modding/SBing - Part 3

Part 3 of my '' Every Thing I know about Modding/SBing ' guys ... You can get to Part 2 from this link and Part 1 from Here . DISCLAIMER - I am in no way a master in SBing or modding, there are so many others out there who can literally rape with me the amount of beautiful words they do. I believe in sharing and I want to bring out...

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Everything I know about modding/SBing - Part 2

Alright, lets pick up where I left off from part 1 (in case you want to refer back to part 1, link is here ). Sorry it took me quite a while to write this up. DISCLAIMER - I am in no way a master in SBing or modding, there are so many others out there who can literally rape with me the amount of beautiful words they do. I believe...

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

A Reference BOOK for Gunpla Modelling in English??

A reference book that is dedicated for Gunpla Modelling ... IN ENGLISH ??? Is that what most of us have been dreaming about all these years? You all know I build AFVs as well ... look at the photo below. That's like only 20 percent of my personal library. So many references and resources out there for me to read up for my AFVs. But...

Monday, 3 December 2012

And here we go again with another BIG event !!!!

Hola People ... Welcome to another post from the Bird ... I have good news.. Great news infact ... As you know, Kamm ( Our esteemed and man-love hungry Admin ) always have a knack for coming up with exciting stuffs like the EUGC ( please prefer back to my posts about it ) and the 2012 Mecha Contest that was just finished; successfully...