Tuesday, 26 March 2013

WIP - 1/35 Dicker Max Part 1

Hello awesome and beautiful people. Recently, I bought a Dicker Max and now that I have it, I can't help but dig right into the box .... I also bought a mini-art crew figures for it - and to further enhance the details, I bought a Eduard set .. Voyager would cost me the same price as the kit so I choose Eduard - And here...

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

MG Acguy Ver. Hummingbird

Hello All and All Hello ... It has really been a long long time since I have finished a Gunpla. So many reasons behind that but two main factors are - '' I have not enough time for gunpla '' and '' I'm a little bit tired of some of the elitism and lack of interest to modelling in the Gunpla community ''. But to assure my friends that I...