Sunday, 28 July 2013

Update from Monoeye Publishing

Hello Gentlemen and Ladies ( if any ) I was just contacted by GDX regarding about the Mecha Modelling Guide book and its progress. He and Monoeye Publishing would like to ensure you all that they are indeed working hard and the book will be out after all the chapters have been edited, spell-checked,error-checked and etc. He even kindly...

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Amusing Hobby 1/35 Lowe WIP - Part 4

Alright Gentleman.. time for an update. I do apologize for the delay between the updates as I was applying for masters and had to spend a lot of time discussing things with my parents. Dramas after dramas, oy vey... you know, Asian parents .... Anyway, lets carry on with the wip - The voyager instructions call...

Friday, 5 July 2013

Amusing Hobby 1/35 Lowe WIP - Part 3

Hey guys. Thanks for sticking with me on this. I'm pushing myself to pick up the pace on this one. Lets start from where we left off last time - I was talking about the tracks. Lets deviate from that for a while as I decided to put on the PE parts from Voyager. First thing I put on was those little hatch-lock-thingy. I had to cut off the...

Monday, 1 July 2013

CyberHobby 1/35 M26 Pershings In Korea

Hello Guys. Welcome to yet another finished product from me. This time I would like to show my first ever diorama. Nothing too big, just a small base for the tank to sit on. I figured I gotta start from somewhere when it comes to diorama so yeah... The kit I finished this time is from CyberHobby, a branched brand from the famous ( or rather,...