Thursday, 27 February 2014

E-100 ''What-if '' - 1/35 Trumpeter

Hello All and all hello ... Right ... so I got a new finished kit to show you dear readers. Unfortunately, this is one of my worst finished kit to date. Coming in second after my failure of a Tiger I, this is one of those build that I just had to call it '' finished '' and just move on.  This thing was painted for four times....

Saturday, 22 February 2014

W.I.P 1/35 DANA 152 mm - Part 5

Finally.. some update on this baby ... I've ignored this girl for far too long ... If everybody can recall- I cut off the last update after I primed everything so let's pick up from that. After priming everything, I painted the engine and the interior of the engine bay as it would be VERY visible from the engine grilles that I have...