Sunday, 23 March 2014

Review : ''The Weathering Magazine'' Issue 6 - Kursk

I'm terribly sorry. I was meant to write a review for my readers for this since I got this book back in January but as you have all noticed from my bombardment of W.I.P posts and completed posts, I have been busy. I do apologize that it took me quite some time to review. Right. So this is the issue from THE Mig and the gang ( after all...

Thursday, 20 March 2014

W.I.P - JGSDF Type99 HSP - Part 3

Good day people ...  I got an update for this beautiful gal.  Picking up from where I left off from the last update , I put on all the tools and the big box on the roof of the turret - And then, I build everything that is needed for the hatches. Trumpeter, in all their wisdom, made the hatches workable. Thank you Trumpy. Followed...

Saturday, 15 March 2014

W.I.P - JGSDF Type99 HSP - Part 2

Good day everybody... I have an update on this baby. Picking up from where I left off, I decided to go back on the front glacis plate. I added all the necessary P.E grille like so - Followed up by the tiny little grab handles and a few bigger ones - Next, I moved on to the gun travel lock, which is a pretty complicated mechanism....

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

W.I.P - JGSDF Type99 HSP - Part 1

Folks, we have here a some what of a gem from Trumpeter. This is the Type99 155mm Self propelled gun from Trumpeter.  I have been wanting to get this kit for a long time as I have an interest in JGSDF vehicles but I wasn't sure of this but when I saw a friend building one and after listening to him go and on about this lovely...