Friday, 27 June 2014

W.I.P - Trumpeter 2S19 Msta-S; Part 3

Good day all.. Time to update on this .. I will be putting up the turret this update -Started with the mantlet made and glued into the inside of the turret - It is held inside like so -  Quite a stable set up and quite strong. It should be able to handle a metal barrel should a AM company ever made one in the near future. Closed...

Monday, 23 June 2014

A peek inside the box - MENG 1/35 BMPT '' Terminator ''

Hello all ...  I received this gorgeous kit this morning that I bought from LucyModel. Such a beautiful kit. This has been released for a few weeks now and no body seems to be doing any kind of review. I myself was really curious what is inside. Well, now that I got one, I thought '' why not share this with the other guys so they know...

Thursday, 19 June 2014

W.I.P - Trumpeter 2S19 Msta-S; Part 2

Good day guys. Time to update on this W.I.P.Now that the lower hull is finished, I carried on with the upper one. Started with gluing two little convoy lights and the hooks - I encountered my first big problem with this build. The instructions calls for P.E A15 but in truth, it is supposed to be B15. A15 is a very long part...