Saturday, 27 September 2014

AS-90 in Iraq - 1/35 Trumpeter

Good day to you people. Hope you readers having a good day and all are good.  As you all aware, I'm building a fleet of SPG and this is my final entry on the line. The fleet is a total of 7 SPGs consisting the the Dana, Type 99, Pzh2000, AuF1, K9, 2s19 Msta and this AS-90.  This is the only kit of this kit available in...

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

W.I.P - JGSDF Type 87 AW - Part 5

Right.. Time to update this baby. It has been too long. I was busy with my dissertations. Last time, I left off here, with the whole vehicle painted - With that done, I gave it like 3 coats of Vallejo Gloss Varnish and started working on the pin wash. After that, it was time for the decals - The...