Monday, 19 October 2015

7TP in September Campaign - 3rd Diorama in Life

Quite some times ago ( probably back in 2013 ), I sent my good friend and a very talented modeller Thanos [check out his Youtube channel] two copies ( or was it one? I cannot remember well) of extra weathering magazines I had lying around. Thanos was starting into weathering and I sent him the books so as to help him with weathering. It...

Saturday, 3 October 2015

A beaten down RX-78-5 (G05)

I have always liked how the Twins look; that G04 and G05 ( RX-78-4 and 5 respectively) and I have always wanted to do some decent works on them so I waited until I gained enough skills to paint them in to be presentable. The idea behind this one is to show a suit that has done missions after missions on earth during the heavy fighting offensives...