Saturday, 31 December 2011

Entering the MAC forums' 2012 Mecha Contest

Simply put and to the Point - you need this poster to qualify in our 2012 Mecha Contest at MAC forums. Your WIP thread at our forums should start with the photo of your kit with this poster as the background. We understand that some modelers like to keep their builds themselves or simple just can't take photo step by step,thus you...

Friday, 30 December 2011

Modelling 101: Don't bite off more than you can chew

Hello Ladies and Gents ( if there is any ladies at all that read my blog post). Welcome to another post from the hummingbird. Right, in this post, I would love to talk about another basic thing junior modeler need to know. And its basically about ''biting off more than you can Chew''. That's right folks, ''Biting off more than you can...

Monday, 19 December 2011

Using Support for Structural Integrity

Hello, Hello, ladies and gents - The hummingbird is here with another tutorial ( if you could call this tutorial) for easier scratch building and for structural integrity of the scratchbuilt parts. And that, ladies and gents, are achieved by using supports, just like using girders when a building is being built. A word of advice before...

Thursday, 15 December 2011

MG Perfect Gundam "Koenig Gustav'' Ver. H,Bird

Hello all and All hello. First of all, this build has been really really fun for me. I learned a lot from this build, learn where i am weak, learned what i need to improve upon and what not. The concept is to just improve the look of the old MG perfect gundam as I love this kit and with some modding skills, it can be a awesome model....

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Inspiring WIPS of MAC forum - Part 1

Greetings my dear readers I woke up today, with the Perfect Gundam almost finished, nothing do and I was browsing stuffs on the MAC forum's WIPs and this idea just came into my mind -  '' Why not make a Blog post which show off all the inspiring builds (WIPs) of the MAC Forum'' That said, here I am, ready to make a blog post with...

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Special Feature 1.2 - Kamm's Ground type Sazabi (HG)

Hello there Ladies ( if there are any) and gents .... Once again, its time for the little birdy to blog again.... And that's right ... you saw it in the title... Another special feature ... a few moons back, I made a first special feature and this is the second one .... and in the special feature, I will be featuring a ground-breakin,...

Monday, 5 December 2011

MG Perfect Gundam Ver H.Bird Part 10

Right ... this is my final update before I move on to painting ..... lets start shall we - First of all I did this - I had to drill that bit out so that that I can do something for the power cable to go into the gun, I mean, it would not be practical for a such a huge gun to function without a proper power source -The drilled...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Special Feature 1.1 - Decay's Space Type Sazabi (HG)

Hello there Ladies ( if there are any) and gents .... Once again, its time for the little birdy to blog again.... And that's right ... you saw it in the title... A special feature .... for one of the Legend of MAC. . and the name of the Legend is Decay. Now if you all could remember that I made a blog post about the build off between the...