I applied a not-too-thin-not-too-thick filter of tan all over the it and spray another coat of Gloss varnish.
After that, I put on another coat of filters, this time I used brown and put on a matt varnish. ( I'm sorry. I forgot to take pictures of that steps involved with the filters )
I painted the on board tools -
And the tow cable -
Per the suggestion of my teacher, I might have to go back again, paint it black and dry brush the steel
And I put sands on wet effects all around the vehicles -
I managed to put on water flowing down the front flap when it was folded back up and I also applied sands on the edges on the assumption that when the vehicle reach the shorelines and just before it fold back the flap, some sands would get stuck on the edges. Maybe I should put more sand on the front flap as well.
Same procedure with the back flaps -
I might put in more sand on there.
Well, this is the last update. I still have to do some small retouch with the sands and maybe add some more smaller water streaks. After that it's finally done. Thank you for being with me all the way. Much appreciated. Please look forward for the launch.
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