I don't think any other further information is needed to use as introduction to announce that the Mecha Model Guide book is now finally available to purchase.
Here is the link for you to get the ebook version -
And here is the link for those who ,like me, need to have a physical copy -
Unfortunately, Amazon.com only ships to the US ( and the relevant EU sites ships to the EU only ) so for those who wish to get the phsycal copy, use this link which ships world wide!-
I haven't got myself a paperback copy yet ( well, I'm broke now LOL ) but I have already bought a ebook version and I love it.
Go give a like to their facebook page to keep in touch with news and updates on future release ( intermediate and advanced) -

I will write a detailed review of this after I have thoroughly read it through.
But seriously, get it ASAP .. it's a very good investment......
If your new to gunpla, then this'll be your primer to stop you from making costly mistakes. Get it! :)