Saturday 3 March 2012

2012 Mecha Contest Entry: Legend Gundam Part 7

Hello ladies (if there are any) and gents .... Here is an update to the legend

first of all, I would like to apologize for my lack of updates on this baby as I have hit a wall with that back pack, not mention busy finishing this - [url][/url] ... now, I can restart on the legend .....

Lets start with the detail-platings I made here and there -
I put on some weird shaped platings around the forearms

I kinda like it ... I purposely made them asymmetrical on the outsides and insides of the forearms... you could say to make it more uniquely my own version, you know ...

And I plated the upper arm like so -

This is the out side of both arms ... the front,back, and the inner sides of both upper arm are still untouched though but I will come back to it

And I made this little thing which I learned from GondorDestiny of Plamo... Again, I thank you Gondor as you have been very very influential in this WIP ...

The picture would say everything, there was a big big gap when the arm is bent and I had to cover it ..... and I also extended the arms by 1.5mm. The extension of the arms really make the whole proportions pop ...

and Also, I thicken the lower torso, ( the waist area) with 1.0mm all around and a little bit at a angle so that the whole torso won't look so out of proportions ....

And this is how it looks with extended arms and thicken waist -

I LOVE it ... personally, the thickening of the waist and the extension of the arms were good move ...

Moving on, I also made a small amount of detail works on the shoulders -

I plan to put more on there but for the life of me,I can't think of anything else apart from Panel lines.... oh well, it will come to me, eventually

And I also put on some platings on the back skirts .. Trouble is - I don't know if that is enough platings or should I plate more?? hmm.. decisions, decisions ...

And I told you that I had hit a wall with the back pack, yes ?? well, not any more and here is what I did with the back pack -
Don't forget these are still initial steps -
I cut off three portions of the Back pack

and I also cut off those parts from the round thingy .. I really hate that Round part -

You are gonna see a completely different backpack on the legend ... nothing too great, but nothing too simple... just right .. mua haha .. LOL. just joking ...

Well, that's about it ... Oh, one more thing ....... Its name is ''' Amaimon ''' .... I was watching Aoi No Exorcist and it hit me ... ''' Amaimon ''' .... I love the name ... :P

I'm sorry as this is not a big update but with some rather dull platings and do forgive me if I snuffed out your expectations with these dull stuffs-
Until next post ..... Stay Tuned for more


  1. Cools mods Gary, I'm a bit worried that the model is a bit offcentered, at it kinda shows at picture #5...

    Keep it up!
