Friday, 9 September 2011

10,000 views - Thank you guys

Dear beloved readers and followers of my blog, today, my little humble blog reach a milestone of 10,000 views since its creations 7 months ago.

I am very very exicted to see this amount of view in a short time as this is even more then I have ever expected. I wasn't even expecting a 1000 view per month as my blog as not exactly DC23's blog or MatX or something like that.

Trying to my best to make this blog as enjoyable as it is knowledgeable, I have gained regular views among fans and readers and some followers and I would like to express my gratitude to those who took  their time to visit this blog and your supports have been very very much appreciated and I will do my utmost best to keep this blog alive as much as possible with not only my work in progess and kits but also with tutorials and life and modeling related subjects.

Thank you All .... ARRIGATTO ......