Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What Modeling Can Offer - Part 2

Hello dear readers. This is the continuation of PART 1 of ''' What Modeling Can Offer''. 

I guess nothing special introduction is necessary as I have explained in PART 1 already, but just for convenience sake. This post will be mainly about What This Hobby Can Offer other then a few modified Gundam kits and a beautifully weathered Scale model kits. And What This Hobby Can Offer, dear readers is the GIFT OF GREAT FRIENDS.


Chris Bryan

This is the 2nd master out of two in the world of scale modeling. Chris and I have been friends since the early 2009 when I was still handpainting massively thick paints, right out of the paint bottle. He was the very first person to teach me that is just wrong. He was also the master that I always bug to ( that is , before I bug Glenn after bugging Chris.. hehe ). Chris was always guiding me in the right path to be a successful scale modeler and being a father himself, he is so patient  and gives great advice. Always accepted him as a master and will always respect him. Oh, don't forget, Chris has made a huge, kick ass diorama and makes so  much of a wonderful ( in lack of better words) models but just like Glenn, you will never never ever see him act proud of arrogant ( I know the mustache suggests otherwise.. haha). A master and a friend I am proud to have. You can check out my master's work on his FB profile

Cris Cook @ Kriz 
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No other then one of the trio of admins of MAC forum, Chris Cook AKA Kriz and known by other user names as well , which i cannot find out anymore. Kriz ( i will use Kriz on this Chris ) and I know each other since a year ago I think, when he was banned at Zero-G, he caught up with me on FichtenFoo and sent me a PM. But I was kinda a noob with social life back then and didn't carry on the massages and the friendship kinda stop there but after MAC and skyping on MAC, Kriz quickly became a trusted friend and a mentor. He always teach me how to be a good moderator, how to communicate with people and how to stand up for myself. Kriz also gives me great advice from time to time ( sometimes I listen, sometimes I don't hehe ) and he has been a like a father to me and I am more then grateful to have such a man as a mentor and a friend. Here is the link to his Blog.

George @ BlackLotus

George and I become fast friends after he added me on facebook since 2010. Well, he was a single man back then, I was with my ex so we didn't really talked much back then but we were friends and this year, I found myself a good friend in him. He was one of the very few the still listened to my about my break up, about how lonely I felt, u know, the usual break up stuffs. George is a good friend who finds the time to encourage me, talk with me, listen to me and help me move on. Not only he did a tremendous job as a friend over my breakup, he is a skilled modeler and always helped with choosing concepts for my builds. A serious like just like myself, but a kindhearted friend none-the-less, a friend I am proud to have, and a brother I am honored to call. You can check out his works via his profile on the MAC Forum. 

Steve Santos @ sneeper1980
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IF not for MAC, I would never have this great man. Steve Santos aka sneeper1980, a newly promoted moderator of MAC, is a great man with love for his friends so big, it matches his big body ( joking about the big body, Steve.. haha ). Honestly though, I have no idea of this guy existence. Even after he becomes active on MAC, I wasn't aware of him. Thanks to kamm, he started using skype with his ancient computer ( which crashes like hell ), only then I have the honor of becoming a friend with him. A true friend none the less, he values friendship as much as I do and stick by this friends ; mainly me as I was always teased at by the gang ( I hate you guys.. u know yourself who i'm talking about haha ). A friend who also helped me to move on with my breakup, a friend who share some common principles and morals. Steve is, and will always be, a true friend for me a brother I cannot trade for otherwise. Check out his Youtube Channel and don't forgot to subscribe.

Paweł Cynk @ Aulon

Seriously, I hate this bastard..... nah.. I'm just kidding. He's another friend that I have the honor of becoming friends with. Paweł Cynk @ Aulon is nothing more then a cold antisocial bastard ( or so he claimed to be ) but don't let that fool you. He's a great guy, crack jokes and always help me out with my concepts. If you guys, the readers, can remember, he is the guy that I had a build-off with. Having a build off with my worth adversary was fun as much as spending time with him on skype. Despite his cold behavior, he is a good friend and a good friend he will remain. Aulon, being a greedy guy, has both a blog and a youtube channel. Be sure to follow his blog and subscribe.

Adrian Navarro Sicat @ krescenhaze

Adrian aka krescenhaze and I have been friends since july 2010, the time when the hummingbird started flying out of the nest. We were in the same group, GMAC, i believe he is a later comer compare with me and he started his works on his famous IJ and we became friends after commenting on each other's works. As he is busy with work, he can't come online to skype that regularly yet we always talk on facebook, me asking for his help in my concepts and he doing the same thing for me. Being also a fellow moderator of MAC, he is also a friend with Vanz  as well as Paul @ the'Virgin'angel and of cos, me and Vanz and Paul also have constant contact on FB, posting on each other's wall and Adrian joins into our conversation, having no idea what in the hell we were talking about, haha. Another friend I am proud to have, all account of this hobby. Here is his official FB page and you can check out his works via his MAC forum profile.

The list goes on and will not stop here. Its already a long post already and I don't want to bore out my readers. Part 3 will follow slightly after. STAY TUNED FOR MORE.