All thanks to the support of friends and gunpla family and senseis and senpais from all the various fourm that encouraged me to mod on the ankles... ARRIGATTO...
Before that, I made some small touchups to the skirts area....
back skirts
front skirts
and the Groin or whatever-you-called-that-part-armour.. I extended this a little bit and put a peice of plate on each site to add some details.. i thought it was just twoo small compare with the whole,, yeah
and the butt armour?? (sorry guys)... i also did the same thing as i did with the groin armour
that finialized the skirts and pelvis area.... and now. moving on to the legs, i decided to work on the feets first...
1st - i trimmed it down to a slimmer feet by sanding,sanding and sanding (huu lots of sanding i tell you)
2nd - I cut the white feet.. and extended it by stacking 4 pieces or 0.2 (i think) mm plates.. u can see the stacks plates
3rd - again, i used my method that i used on the shoulders to extend the toes and make it more better looking (and i am happy with it)
and here is the pictures of what i did....
Side view
that's the feet done,, and yes, still needing a LOT of clean up, i moved on to the feet.... I decided to make the ankles similer to the SF or IJ or destiny...the only thing is that i made it reversed.. the MG have the two ball going both way from the ankle guard, while my ankles have two cups installed in it.... here's the steps...
1st - obviously, i had to cut the ankles apart..
2nd - i used the orginal cup that was in the ankle and another one from koto parts to make the joint, since the cups are not styrene (they are PC, as u know) so gluing won't work in this case,, so i just slapped on a massive amount of putty to hold them...
3rd - again... i used a massive amount of putty and since the koto ball joint are not styrene either, i thought it would be better to sink them in putty and tried to hold them like that... and much to my surprise, it works...
Here's are the pictures,,
1st step -
2nd step -
3rd step -
so now... my lets (lower legs actually) are made up of three parts, as you can see from the pictures
so,., after the mods..... my nataku now looks like this...
I am very happy with what i got.. and quite satisfied,,, now all that's left for me is to do some touch-ups here and there..clean up, finishings,,,oh yeah,, the dragon fangs.. can't forget those.... and the head... gonna have to sharpen the V fin and the ears..... any comments,, just fire away....thank you so much for your support.. Stay tuned for more
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